Tourismusplakat "Winter in Krummhübel im Riesengebirge". Color Lithograph. Sheet 62.5 x 47.4 cm.Sign,inscribed & dat.bottom left in the print: F.A. HARTA / MÜNCHEN / 1907.; inscribed top center of print: Winter in Krummhübel in the Giant Mountains.; referenced at top right of print: Horn sleigh ride / Prinz Heinrichgang 1420m above sea level / up and downhill ride Mark 7.50 / Hampelbaude 1258m above sea level / up and downhill ride Mark 7, - / toboggan runs / 6 to 7 kilometers long / ski area.
Mein Vater per Harta um 1912. Etching on paper. 2 sheet dimensions per SMCA 30 x 22.5 cm and 15 x 12 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA / MEIN / VATER". Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 68, WV Nr.Gr 9, mit Abb. Provenance: 1989 SMCA acquires. Location: Salzburg Museum, Inv # 1120-89. Photo credit © Salzburg Museum.
Postkarte Albert Paris Gütersloh aus der Zeitschrift "Die Aktion" um 1914. Litho. Image: 10 x 7.9 cm; Sheet: 14.6 x 9.5 cm. Sign. bot. right: HARTA. Inscribed bottom center: PARIS VON GÜTERSLOH / Drawn for "AKTION" by F.A. HARTA (PARIS). Lit: Die Aktion 1914 Titelblatt; Pfemfert 1987,Vorsatz mit Abbl Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 170, Abb 26; Berlin 2013, S. 83, Abb 8; Sbg. 2019, S.96, Abb 9. Prov: Leopold Museum, Wien; 04.2023 Transfer Leopold Museum, Vienna. Loc:Leopold Museum, Inv. Nr. LM 7642
Unter St. Veit Landschaft um 1914. Etching Dimensions unknown. No visible signature. Motiv was reproduced on a postcard in the publication of Richard Lányi. Loc: Private owner, Salzburg. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta. Original etching not located. The Publishing House of the Book Store in Vienna operated by Richard Lányi on Karntnerstrasse 44 is on the back of the postcard.
Lithograph. Title drawing by Harta. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Lit: Der Knockabout 1914 Front Cover; Der Querulant 1920, Front Cover; Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 169-170, Abb. 25. Remarks: This magazine, issue No. 1, 31 pages, published 06.15.1914 by Karl Adler and Alfred Paris von Gütersloh saw only 2 issues published.
Verkündigung per Harta. Etching. Added dimension plate edge 16 x 12.4 cm; Sheet size: 38.5 x 30 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 875 ; Vollmer 1923, S. 70; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 9. Prov: Witold Grzymek, Wien; purchase by private owner, Salzburg; 2011 Dr. Schaffer sells to Salzburg Museum. Loc: SMCA Inv Nr. 1013-2011. Photo credit @ Salzburg Museum. Remarks:This etching corresponds to his oil painting WV185/1915, but the subjects are positioned differently.
Bildnis der Frau des Künstlers Elly Harta. 1915. Drypoint etching. Sheet size: 32.1 x 45.5 cm. Signed lower bottom right: HARTA / 1915. Provenance: 15.09.2005 Salzburg Museum acquires from Dorotheum, Salzburg. Location: Salzburg Museum, Inv Nr. 1545-2005. Photo credit: © Salzburg Museum.
Postkarte Arthur Roessler aus der Zeitschrift "Die Aktion", um 1915. Image: 13 x 7.5 cm; Sheet: 14.5 x 9. 5 cm. Sign bottom right in print: HARTA; inscribed bottom center: ARTHUR ROESSLER / Drawn for the AKTION by F.A. HARTA; Lit: Die Aktion 1915, S. 35, mit Abbl Salzburg 2019, S. 41, Abb, 28; Prov: Estate of Arthur Roessler; 1959 Bought by Wienbibliothek im Rathhaus. Location: Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, Inv. Nr. H.I.N.-151167.
Postkarte Egon Schiele aus der Zeitschrift "Die Aktion", um 1916. Lithograph. Image: 11.2 x 9 cm; Sheet 14 x 9.5 cm. Sign botton right in the print: HARTA. Lit: Die Aktion 1916, S. 482, mit Abb; Auböck/Marchetti 1985, S. 103, mit Abb; Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 32, 179, Abb. 27; Comini 1974, S. xix, Abb. 113; Malafarina 1983, S. 67, Abb 4; Gamper/Wipplinger 2018, S. 173, Abb. 4; Salzburg 2019, S. 46, Abb. 36. 2023. Location: Private owner, Vienna.
Fischverkäuferin um 1916. Etching. Signature not visible. Location: Salzburg Museum.
Männer in Uniform um 1917. Etching. Sheet size: 29.8 x 42 cm. Signed right bottom: HARTA. Provenance: Witold Grzymek, Wien; Private owner, Salzburg; 25.10.2016 Purchase from private owner by Salzburg Museum. Location: The Salzburg Museum, Inv Nr. 1483-2016. Remarks: Museum titled this a self portrait, but we question if this is Harta. Photo credit: © Salzburg Museum.
Um 1918. Lithography. Darstellung 9 x 8 cm, Sheet 9.8 x 8.8 cm. Inscribed on top of print: EX LIBRIS; / Inscribed bottom of print: F.A. HARTA. Exhibition: Felix Albrecht Harta (1884-1967), Galerie 16, Wien 14.03-25.04. 1994. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 244, mit Abb; Wien 1994 I, S. 69, mit Abb. Location: Kunsthandel Widder, Wien. Remarks: Found in the estates of Eva Harta Wick, Gusti Wolf, and Dr. Karl Heinz Ritschel.
Der Komponist Bernhard Paumgartner um 1918. Lithograph. Dimensions unknown. Signed bottom right in the print: HARTA; signed bottom left: BPaumgartner; signed mid bottom: BPaumgartner. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 230, WV Nr. Gr 336, mit Abb. Location: Unknown.
Screen print/paper laminated/cardboard. Plate 6 x 8.3 cm; Sheet 7.2 x 9.5 cm. Cardboard 11 x 18 cm. Inscirb. dat, & sign.bottom right on plate: HERMANN BAHR / ZUR ERINNERUNG AN / UNSERE ERSTE UNTERSBERG-/ PARTIS FRNDL. GEWIDMET / 6. 7. 1919 HARTA; inscrib. bottom left/cardboard: Hermann Bahr; inscrib bottom right/cardboard: Auf dem Untersberg; dat. top left cardboard: 1919. Prov: 1934 Hermann Bahr, Wien; 1947 Anna Bahr-Mildenburg, Wien; 1954 Gift to Theatermuseum, Wien, Inv Nr. GS_GPK6005.
um 1919. Colored lithograph. Representation: 36 x 25.5 cm; Sheet 63 x 45.6 cm. Signed bottom right on the print in colored pencil: Rolf Peter. Provenance: Private owner, State; 1928 Purchased by Wien Museum. Location: Wien Museum, Inv Nr. 225549.
Lithograph. Sheet 46.5 x 33.5 cm. Sign bottom right: HARTA. Lit: Mühlmann 1919, S. 264, mit Abb; Rainalter 1921, S.22, mit Abb; Dorotheum 12.03. 1975, S. 35, Kat. Nr. 359, Taf. 173, mit Abb; Presse und Vertrieb in Österreich 1976, o.S., mit Abb; Zohn 1981, S.3, mit Abb; Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 87, 189, 233, Taf. 34; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 12, 96, WV Nr. G 61, mit Abbl Schaffer 2015, S. 559, Abb. 26; Sbg. 2019, S. 61, Abb. 4. Loc: Salzburg Museum, Inv. Nr. 1056-2011.
Bucheinband "Funf Gedichte aus dem "Japnischen Frühling" von Wilhelm Grosz. Letterpress in color. 30.8 x 23.2 x 0.2 cm. Sign bottom right in print: HARTA; inscribed top in print: WiLHELM GROSZ / 5 GEDICHTE / AUS DEM / JAPANISCHEN / FRÜHLING / VON / h. BEThGE; inscribed bottom in print: UNIVERSAL EDITION No 6330. Lit: Grosz/Bethge 1919, Cover. Location: Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, Inv. Nr. Mc-31953.
Badende Frauen.First State. 1919 Lithography. Depiction 37.5 x 27 cm; Sheet 45.5 x 34.6 cm. Signed bottom left on the Print: HARTA. Ex: Residenz Galerie, Sbg. 10.07-01.11.2009; Sammlung Chrastek-Hagenbund, Widder, Wien 2019. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 322; Vollmer 1923, S. 70; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 10, 93, WV Nr. Gr 53, mit Abb; Baumgartner 1992, S. 303, mit Abb; Salzburg 2009, S. 160, mit Abb; Wien 2019 III, S. 84-85, Kat. Nr. 215, mit Abb. Loc: Neue Galerie Graz, Inv Nr. 11-010634.
Badende Frauen 1919. Lithography. Image depiction: 37.5 x 25.5 cm; Sheet: 56 x 44.9 cm. Sign. bottom right in pencil: HARTA. Second State. Ex: Residenz Galerie, Sbg. 10.07-01.11.2009; Sammlung Chrastek-Hagenbund, Kunsthandel Widder, Wien 2019. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 322; Vollmer 1923, S. 70; Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 234, Taf. 37; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 10, 93, WV Nr. 53, mit Abb; Baumgartner 1992, S. 303, mit Abb; Sbg 2009, S. 160, mit Abb; Wien 2019, S. 84-85, Kat. Nr. 215, mit Abb.
Figuren und Pferde um 1919. Lithograph. Depiction 75 x 62.5 cm; Sheet 95 x 63.3 cm. Signed middle left in print: HARTA; Signed middle in the print: HARTA. Provenance: Private owner, Stadt; 1928 Purchased by Wien Museum. Location: Wien Museum, Inv Nr. 225548.
Drei Figuren mit Pferd, um 1919. Lithograph. Depiction 40 x 24 cm; Sheet 54.2 x 39.9 cm; Signed in the print bottom left: HARTA; Signed in pencil bottom right of the Sheet: HARTA. Provenance: Private owner, Stadt; 1928 Bought by Wien Museum. Location: Wien Museum, Inv. Nr. 225545.
Weibliche Akte in der Landschaft um 1919. Lithograph. Depiction 24 x 17 cm; Sheet: 39.8 x 27 cm. Signed bottom right below the print in pencil: HARTA; numbered left corner below the print in pencil: 40/40. 40 printed, First State. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 124, WV Nr. Gr 115, mit Abb; Location: Albertina Museum, Vienna, Inv. Nr. DG1923/280.
Weibliche Akte in der Landschaft um 1919. Lithograph. Depiction: 24 x 17cm; Sheet: 40 x 27 cm. Unsigned sheet. Second state. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 124, WV Gr 115, mit Abb. Provenance: 1928 Purchase by Wien Museum from private owner. Location: Wien Museum, Inv Nr. 225542.
Kreuzannagelung 1920. Lithograph. 54 x 39.4 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Ex: HB May-Apr 1921; Galerie 16, Wien 14.03.-25.04. 1994. Lit: Mühlmann 1920, S. 85, mit Abb; Würthle 1920, S. 29-34, mit Abb; Vollmer 1923, S.70; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 10, 94, WV Nr. Gr 55, mit Abb; Baumgartner 1992, S. 304, mit Abb; Frohmann 1994, S. 7; Wien 1994 I, S. 47, mit Abb. Loc: Neue Galerie Graz 0/40, Albertina 10/40, Inv # 717-1923; Historisches Musuem d. Stadt Wien, Inv. 101641.
Parkeingang per Harta. Lithograph 40 x 30.5 cm. Signed in stone bottom right: HARTA. Exhibit: 1919 Wassermann, Sbg. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 877; Wassermann 1919, S.11, Kat. Nr. 75; Mühlmann 1920, o.S., mit Abb; Vollmer 1923, S. 70; Baumgartner 1991 I, S. 84; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 10, 94, WV Nr. G r57, mit Abb. Various Locations: Albertina Inv Nr. 364-1924. National Museum Budapest. Salzburg Museum, Inv Nr. 1009-91.
Parkeingang um 1919. Lithograph and Watercolor on paper. 34 x 26 cm. Signed bottom right on the print: HARTA. Location: Private owner, lower Austria. Remarks: Rare variation of the commonly seen Lithograph.
Der Komponist Franz Schrecker. 1920 Lithograph. Plate 33.4 x 27 cm; Sheet 57.2 x 40 cm. Signed bottom right under the plate in pencil: HARTA; signed in pencil bottom right in the Plate: Franz Schrecker; Stamp on verso bottom left: H.S. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 571("Prof. F. Shrecker"); Vollmer 1923, S. 70; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 15; Dorotheum 16.09.2003, S. 15, 28, Kyat Nr. 61, mit Abb. Prov: Private owner, Stadt; 1928 Bought by Wien Museum. Location: Wien Museum, Inv. Nr. 225543.
Ausstellungsplakat Ständige Ausstellung des "Wassermann" in der "Neue Galerie Salzburg. 50.8 x 37.2 cm. Wooden panel, colored. Shadows tinted with opaque white and light blue.Signed lower right: HARTA. Exhibit: Neue Galerie, Sbg. 1920; 150 Jahre Salzburger Kunstverein, 14.12. 1994-19.01. 1995; Lit: Baumgartner 1991I, S. 149, 258b, Abb. 19; Sbg 1994, S. 134, mit Abb; Sbg 2019, S. 78, Abb. 25. Prov:SMCA acquires 1982. Location: SMCA, Inv # 1011-82. Photo credit © Salzburg Museum.
Schlafende Krieger. Lithograph. Sheet: 34.5 x 48 cm. Signed right corner below the print: HARTA. Print run: 150. Ex: Galerie 16, Wien, 1994; Sbg. Kunstverein, 1994-95; Museum der Moderne, Sbg, 2016. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S. WV Nr. 876; Wassermann 1920, Nr. 5, mit Abb; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 22, 100, WV Nr. Gr 71, mit Abb; Sbg. 1994, S. 269; Wien 1994 I, S. 50, mit Abb; Sbg 2016. Loc: Wien Museum, Inv. Nr. MUSA-VM 845/0; Albertina, Wien; Inv. Nr. DG1921/22/5; SCMA, Inv Nr 13 e-55.
Schlafende Krieger Hand Koloriert. Lithograph. Sheet: 34.5 x 48 cm. Inscribed bottom left: IV/XX; Signed bottom right: HARTA. Lit: Harta 1906-1939, o.S., WV Nr. 876; Dorotheum 02.03.1999, Kat Nr. 85[Unsold]. Provenance: 02.03.1999 Dorotheum, Wien. Location: Private owner, Vienna. Remarks: Likely that Harta handcolored 20 of these. Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta's Werkverzeichnis.