Schlafender Löwe. Ink/ Watercolor/paper. 24 x 43.5 cm. Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950. Lit: Harta 1939-1966, o.S., ; WV Nr. 2339, 2340, 2341 or 2343/1950("Lions") (?); Baumgartner 1991, II, S.49, 193, WV Nr. Gr 274 mit Abb. Prov: Felix A. Harta, Salzburg; 1967 Inherited to Margarethe Harta-Baillou, Salzburg; Bought by Dr. Helmut Mitterdorfer, Salzburg; 2003 Inherited to private owner, Salzburg. Location: Private owner, Salzburg.

Lions per Harta. Ink/Watercolor/paper. 36.8 x 50.8 (20 x 14 1/2 in). Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950. Harta 1939-1966, o.S. WV Nr. 2339-2343/1950; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 49. Provenance: Klaudius Harta, Tacoma WA USA; 2006 Inherited to private owner, Green Valley AZ USA. Location: Arizona, USA.

Blick auf Erhardkirche im Nonntal 1950. Ink/Watercolor/paper. 38 x 48 cm. Signed and dated bottom left: HARTA / 1950. Lit: Harta 1939-1966, o.S., WV Nr. 2382 ("Nonntal Church fr. terrace"); Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 50, 195, WV Nr. Gr 281, mit Abb. Prov: Private owner, Salzburg; 1998 Descended to private owner, Salzburg. Location: Private collection, Salzburg.

Liefering Landscape per Harta. Watercolor. 37 x 50 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Lit: Harta 1939-1966, o.S. WV Nr. 2344/1950; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 193 WV Nr. Gr 275 mit Abb. 1991 Provenance: Galerie Kutscha, Salzburg. Location: Unknown. Remarks: Harta's Catalog lists at least eight views of Liefering. Placeholder image.

Liefering per Harta. Ink drawing. Harta's WV says "Schwarz-Weiß"(Black/White). 37 x 50 cm. Signed, dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950. Lit:Harta 1939-1966, o.S., WV Nr. 2348/1950; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 193, WV Nr. Gr 276, mit Abb. Provenance: 1991 Galerie Kutscha, Salzburg. Location: Unknown. Remarks: Placeholder image.

Liefering I per Harta. Watercolor. 38 x 56 cm. Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950. Lit: Harta 1939-1966, o.S. WV Nr. 2364/1950; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 193, WV Nr. Gr 277, mit Abb. Provenance: 1991 Galerie Kutscha, Salzburg. Location: Unknown. Remarks: Placeholder image.

Liefering II per Harta. Watercolor. 38 x 56 cm. Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950. Lit Harta 1939-1966, o.S, WV Nr. 2365/1950; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 194, WV Nr. Gr 278, mit Abb. Provenance: 1991 Galerie Kutscha, Salzburg. Location: Unknown. Remarks: Placeholder image.

Nonnberg in Salzburg 1951. Ink & Watercolor/paper. Framed: 37 x 54.5 cm. Signed and dated lower right: HARTA / 1951. Provenance: Inheritance to Family Strauß, New Jersey, USA; 2015 Inheritance to private collection, Fairfax, VA, USA. Location: Fairfax, VA, USA. Remarks: Although dated 1951, Harta's Werkverzeichnis lists several possible titles that correlate with the watercolor Motif, but its 1950, not 1951. Unlisted in Baumgartner.

Festung Hohensalzburg 1950. Ink and Watercolor on paper. 38 x 55 cm. Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950. Lit Harta1939-1966 o.S. WV Nr. 2389/1950("Nonberghof") ?. Provenance: Margarethe Harta-Baillou, Salzburg; 1968 Gift to Private owner, Kuchl, Salzburg. Location: Private owner Salzburg. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner. May be locatable in Hartas Werkverzeichnis with precise identification of the view of the painting.

Nonberghof Landschaft, Salzburg. Watercolor. 21.1/4 " x 15 3/8"-unframed. Framed 25" x 191/8". Unsigned, & undated. Provenance: Eva Harta Wick descended to estate. Location: Private owner, USA. Remarks: Discovered in Eva Harta's papers. Drawing shows the vegetable garden of the Nonnberghof, and this title was located in Harta's Work Catalog. Colors homologous with similar watercolors drawn during this period. Unlisted by Baumgartner.

Presumably "Nonnta"l church from terrace per Harta. Ink wash on paper. Image 35 x 53 cm. Signed, dated botton right: HARTA / 1950. Lit: Harta 1939 -1966 o.S.-likely WV Nr. 2382/1950. Provenance: Dorotheum, Salzburg Online Christmas Auction.December 19, 2022, Lt #195. Location: Salzburg, Austria. Remarks: Unlisted by Baumgartner.

Ansicht auf zerbombte Häuser in Salzburg per HGM. Watercolor. 38.1 x 56 cm. Signed and dated right at bottom: HARTA / 1950. inscribed verso: CAGASSE / ZERBOMBT. Ex: Galerie 16, Wien 24.04.1994. Provenance: Alexander Jesina, Galerie 16, Vienna; 24.04. 1994 purchase by Heeresmuseum, Vienna. Location: Heeresmuseum, Inv Nr. BI31813. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner. Photo credit © Larry Heller.

Baronin Baillou im Köstum Colored pencil. Unsigned. Dated and inscribed: DAISY / 1950. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 194, WV Nr. Gr 279, mit Abb. Provenance: Galerie Kutscha, Salzburg. Location: Unknown. Remarks: The Baroness was Harta's second wife. 3 Harta titles with Daisy in Costume in his Werkverzeichnis but the medium is all Watercolor. Placeholder image.

Magarethe Harta-Baillou, Hartas zweite Ehefrau im Kostum. Watercolor on paper. 56.5 x 38.5 cm. Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950. Lit: Harta 1939-1966, o.S., WV Nr. 2371 ("Baronin B Costume"); Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 49. Provenance: Private owner, Salzburg; 1998 Descended to private owner, Salzburg. Location: Private collection, Salzburg.

Blumenstrauß mit Krügen. Watercolor/paper. 43 x 34 cm. Signed and dated lower right: HARTA / 1950". Provenance: Private owner Vienna; June 2011 acquired by private owner. Location: Private collection Vienna, Austria. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner. Possibly WV Nr. 2391 "Dahlias" (?).

Portrait Furtwängler um 1950. Pencil and ink drawing. 30 x 21.5 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Inscribed bottom left: "FURTWÄNGLER". Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 204, WV Nr. Gr 285, mit Abb. Provenance: 1982 Dr. Czemy donates to Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz Museum. Location: Museen der Stadt Linz/Lentos Kunstmuseum, Inv Nr. 3430. Photo credit: Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz Reinhard Haider. Remarks: Furtwängler( 1886-1954) was a world renowned German conductor and composer.

Indian ink, opaque white on yellowish paper. Sheet size: 31.5 x 24 cm. Signed bottom right: "HARTA". Provenance: 2014 Salzburg Museum acquires from Art Trade. Location: Salzburg Museum, Inv # 1215-2014. Photo credit: Salzburg Museum © Larry Heller. Remarks: Unlisted in Baumgartner or Harta.
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Zauberflöte um 1950. Ink on paper. Image Size: 28.5 x 20 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Inscribed mid-bottom: "Zaberflöte". Provenance: Private Collection, Vienna. Lit: Ziska & Lacher Kunstauktionen, Munich, Germany.June 23, 2023 Lot # 3495, pg 213. Remarks: Harta drew a series of Theater Drawings, 9 which supposedly are with the Theater Museum in Vienna, but are lost.

Szene mit Josef Meinrad in "Einen Jux will er sich machen" um 1950. Ink/paper. 28.5 x 20 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Inscribed: Josef Meinrad. Provenance: Private Collection, Vienna. Lit: Ziska & Lacher Kunstauktionen, Munich, Germany.June 23, 2023 Lot # 3495, pg 213 mit Abb. Remarks: Josef Meinrad (1913-1996) was a famous Austrian actor. He was very close to Harta's foster daughter, Gusti Wolf, the two starring together in many roles.

Festspielstudie-Zauberflüte um 1950. Ink Brush/paper. 29.5 x 20.9 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA (in pencil). Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II S. 195, WV Nr. Gr 283 mit Abb. Provenance: Felix A. Harta; 1970 Gift from Margarethe Harta-Baillou, Salzburg to SMCA Location: Salzburg Museum Inv Nr. 171-70. Photo credit: Salzburg Musuem © Larry Heller.
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Festspielestudie Jedermann-Kulisse um 1950. Ink brush/paper. 20.6 x 29.5 cm. Signed, lower right corner: HARTA(in pencil). Ex: Das Grosse Welttheater-2010-26.10.2010. Neue Residenz 17.07 Lit:Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 195, WV Nr. Gr 282, mit Abb. Provenance: Felix A. Harta; 1970: Gift from Margarethe Harta-Baillou to SMCA. Location: Salzburg Museum Inv Nr.172-70. Photo credit: © Salzburg Musuem.
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Festspiele Sommer 1950 stehende männliche Figur. Indian ink on white paper. Sheet size: 29.5 x 20.6 cm. Signed lower right: HARTA. Ex: Das Grosse Welttheater, Neue Residenz 17.07.2010-26.10.2010. Provenance: Felix A. Harta; 1970: Gift from Margarethe Harta-Baillou to SMCA. Location: Salzburg Museum, Inv Nr. 173-70. Photo credit © Salzburg Museum.
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Der Opernsänger Paul Schöffler als La Roche in "Capriccio". Ink/paper. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Lit: Salzburger Volkszeitung, 06.09. 1950, S. 3, mit Abb; Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 248, mit Abb. Location: Unknown.

Theater Studie: Don Giovanni I. Akt. Ink/paper. Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 248, mit Abb. Provenance: Private owner, Salzburg. Location: Private owner, Salzburg.

1950 Theater Studie Aus Was Ihr Wollt. Ink/paper. 29.5 x 20.9 cm. Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950; Inscribed bottom left: WERNER KRAUS / WAS IHR WOLLT. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 247, mit Abb. Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien. Inv Nr. HG 6397. Photo credit: © KHM-Museumsverband, Theatermuseum.

Der zerbrochene Krug um 1950. Ink & pencil. 29.4 x 20.8 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA; Inscribed bottom: DER ZERBROCHENE KRUG. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 245 mit Abb; Location: Theatersammlung Inv. Nr. HZ_HG6395_1. Photo credit: © KHM-Museumsverband, Theatermuseum.

Zauberflüte um 1950. Top color & pencil on paper. 29.5 x 21 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 245 mit Abb. Location: Theatersammlung KHM Inv Nr. HZ_HG6404. Photo credit: © KHM-Museumsverband, Theatermuseum.

Romeo und Julia um 1950. Top color and Pencil drawing on paper. 29.4 x 20.8 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA; Inscribed mid-left: ROMEO AND JULIET. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 246 mit Abb. Location: Theatersammlung der KHM, Inv Nr. HZ_HG6398_1. Photo credit: © KHM-Museumsverband, Theatermuseum.

Szene aus Shakespeare Twelfth Night. India ink/paper. 29.5 x 20.9 cm. Signed and dated bottom right: HARTA / 1950; Inscribed bottom left: WAS IHR WOLLT / MEINRAD, BALSER. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 246, mit Abb. Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, Inv Nr. HZ_HG6396. Photo credit: © KHM-Museumsverband, Theatermuseum.

Szene aus Der Opera Wozzek um 1950. Ink/paper. 29.4 x 20.9 cm. Signed bottom right: HARTA; Inscribed top left: WOZZEK. Lit: Baumgartner 1991 II, S. 245, mit Abb. Location: Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, Inv Nr. HG 6403. Photo credit: © KHM-Museumsverband, Theatermuseum.